Yesterday at school I was giving the spelling test and I was about to start calling out the words when I suddenly thought about pie. I really like pie and I have this Sweety Pie book from the library that had the best pie recipes in it. So here I was with 18 kids waiting for me to call out words and I am thinking about making a pie. So to suffice my craving, I called out every word and gave a sentence about....PIE! It was hilarious. The first word was THIS, so I said, THIS. THIS is what I want, some pie. The second word was WENT so I said, WENT. I WENT to get some yummy pie. The third word was SHUT, so I said, SHUT. I would never SHUT a pie in a closet. By the last word we were all cracking up and each one of us was thinking about pie. A great way to give the spelling test. The kids were finishing my sentences with the word pie and I couldn't hold the giggling in a bit longer. I even got some pictures of pies later on. "To help you get through the day Mrs. Forsyth." one little girl told me. So that's my story on pie and here is another great pie. Blueberry! Served with some ice cream and gone by the end of the night. Just like pie should be.
Mrs. Forsyth
Mrs. Forsyth
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