My friends the Hargers make this extraordinary apple pie and they refuse to share the recipe but I have been on the lookout for a while. I inherited some apples from a friend and decided I would have a go at it. I searched online and then decided on one that involved a lot of drizzling brown sugar goodness over a pile of apples. I got this apple peeling contraption from the Minor's for my wedding a couple of years ago. It took me 8 months to figure out what it did. But now I love it! It peels, cores and slices thin pieces of apples in seconds. So back to the pie. I have stopped making my own crusts for health reasons. Too much stress and crumbles. I buy the trusty packaged ones now and have a much better outlook on life. My mom in law was here and we made this together. It was absolutely beautiful with the lattice top. But what was even better was how it tasted. I can't say that it is Harger quality but I might be really close. I shared it with my students the next day and some of them had never had apple pie before. I had real joy giving them this first great experience. A boy even dropped his on the floor mid way through and ate the rest of the floor it was so good. I agreed with his choice, it was too good to waste.
So thanks to Lori & Tom Minor for the apple peeler. Thanks to the Hargers for keeping me motivated in beating your apple pie. And to my student who can appreciate good pie...even on the floor.